Friday, August 24, 2007

Back in BK!!

I am back in Brooklyn and all moved into my new apartment, which I LOVE! Unfortunately we do not have our internet connection hooked up, the guy is coming on Thursday. Class starts Monday, here is what my schedule looks like

5:00 - 7:50 Pro Practice and Portfolio

9:30 - 12:20 Literature of Popular Culture
2:00 - 4:50 Science Illustration
6:00 - 8:50 Soft Prototypes


5:00 - 7:50 Solidworks 2 (not officially signed up for this yet)


9:30 - 12:20 Fashion and Modernism
2:00 - 4:50 Space Analysis

Hopefully filling in the empty space with teaching dance and gymnastics classes and finishing my tabletop work!